Wednesday, February 27, 2008

A lesson I needed to learn

Originally my thoughts about School 2.0 and what we have learned so far impacting what I do now were not overly positive. I know I have a greater awareness of the endless possibilities to enhance our teaching and learning. The lessons and discussions have reinforced my belief that we need to shift what we do, but I was feeling somewhat powerless to effect what I saw as large scale changes.
However, when I read the Reflection 12 blogs of some of my classmates I was suddenly revitalized. Molly talks about her new enthusiasm and how infectious she hopes it is. Brian has plans for next year even though he feels the same apprehensions that I do. And KathyS is my hero again. She gives real examples of how she is changing her little corner of the world.
These blogs reminded me that I do believe we can change what is happening in our little world and therefore what is happening in our bigger sphere. And there's the real power of what we have learned!
How powerful to have this happen at our last reflection.

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