Friday, November 30, 2007

Want to Start a HS TA Wiki?

I wonder if a wiki designed for the TA's at the HS would allow us to more easily keep up to date with what is going on in classrooms? The ability to quickly add an update or put something on the calendar might be a great tool. We share so many students in so many classrooms, yet we don't often have the time to share what they are doing. I think we could use the calendar to list upcoming tests and projects. We could use the wiki as a group to post info on issues that are important to us - maybe avoiding the e-mail conundrum of who should get what. I'm still a little unclear about privacy issues on a wiki, not sure if we could actually mention specific students. Still all in all I think this could be a very good tool for groups of people who want to be connected but can't always get face to face time. Since a wiki is more interactive, I think it would be a better tool for a group like HS TA's than a blog.


Unknown said...

I think this is a great idea, Julie! I'd love to help you get started. Just let me know when you want to move forward!

Kathy N said...

I am not exactly sure how this would work but I know we share some students who are working on the same assignments. Also, I was thinking mostly the kids could benefit from the standpoint of preparation for the Regents midterms and finals they haven't yet passed for graduation requirements. We try to get to studying for those in Resource, but most often we are just pushing to get course work done.

ksnyder said...

I think it would be a great idea but assistants might be resistant to use it, as seeing one more thing "to do". I love the idea of the assistants leading the way and being new and innovative!
Since we are assigned every period, it would have to be easy to use/quick. I can see it being a great help to the 504 population and the juniors and seniors who don't have their classes covered with an assistant as much. I think we would not be able to discuss individuals and what assignments they owe, though.

Sarah Sherwood said...

I really like the idea! I know I have heard complaints about TAs at MW not always feeling connected, and this would be an easy way to create a "place" for TAs to meet up and chat. I know how busy people get during the day, and this would allow everyone to check in on their own time. Calendars are a great way to schedule common meeting times, and post issues people would like to discuss. I hope you are able to do this.