Thursday, October 25, 2007

How do I know what blogs to read?

Wow! There is so much out there in cyberspace. It's really difficult to sort through and separate the good from the bad. If our students can do that why can't they find the main idea in a paragraph??

I stumbled across a few blogs and links that intrigued me. If you want to be freaked out about internet conspiracy theories check out Big Brother Google is Tracking You. This was a blog article posted at a really good site called Moving at the Speed of Creativity. I liked the author's casual style and I liked the mix of topics addressed.

For something a little more practical try the Online Tools for Classroom Use site. This site had a great list of links for free online ed tech tools you can use in the classroom. There are useful links for every grade level.

Unfortunately, there's a lot of junk out there too. Many of the blog sites I checked out seemed to be written by self absorbed lonely people. Reminds me of the uncle at the family reunion who everyone avoids because all he can do is talk about himself and his opinions.

I'm already learning to be more discriminating in giving a site my time. I think there's a lesson I could use with students developing here, just not sure what it is.


indak said...

Did you imagine there were so many blogs out there? I was unaware of the extent of blogs and bloggers. Thanks for your research. It sure helps to limit the number of sights one has to visit. It can be overwelming.

Karen V said...


I liked your comments about blog scrutiny and the lonely uncle- as that was what I thought too, but could not put it into such eloquent words!

Thanks for the Kathy Schrock link too!